The technical name for Spray Applied Fireproofing is Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM). It is used for passive fire protection which is used to delay (or even prevent) the failure of steel and concrete structures that are exposed to the high temperatures, during a fire.. Fireproofing features, Regulations and  Challenges The...

Fire proofing combustible (timber/ wood)

 Fire protection for woodWood is a combustible substate. Different  types wood have different combustibility, based on fuel content. Wood is at the same time a  fire-safe material. In a fire, untreated wood chars evenly at a rate of about 1 mm per minute, so its performance in a fire can...

Key areas of focus for SFRM applications

Spray-applied Fire Resistive Material (SFRM) are proprietary mix of natural thermal insulative mineral  (Vermiculite or Perlite ) with a cementitious bonding medium ( Gypsum or Portland cement. Application of SFRM  can be a tricky undertaking. Many owners, construction managers and even contractors don’t realize what they’ve gotten themselves into until...